5 weeks of gorgeous spring flowers. Bouquets will include early spring flowers such as tulips, fancy narcissus, and peonies. Flowers will be wrapped in kraft paper for easy transport. No Bouquets the week of Memorial Day (5/25/25).
Spring Share - 5 Week
- Mother Nature determines the start date, but plan for the first week of May. **There is a chance that there may be a week delay between bouquets, sometime the tulips are slow to surface after the daffodils.
- I will email subscribers each bouquet week reminding you when and where your bouquet will be ready for pick up.
- If you are unable to pick up your bouquet at your selected pick up location/time, you have 2 options:
- Have a friend or family member pick it up to enjoy.
- Email me (hillandhollowflowers@gmail.com) and I will donate it to the Mt. Horeb Ingleside Nursing Home.
- No refunds will be given for missed flower pick-ups
5 Convenient Pick-up Sites:
- Burn Boot Camp Verona, 411 Prairie Heights Dr., Verona, WI.
- Mon. Noon - 12:45, or 3:30pm - 6:15pm or Tue. 5:00am - 10:00am. ***Burn is only open during bootcamp classes (times listed above).
- Dragonfly Hot Yoga Verona, 841 W. Verona Ave, Verona.
- Mon. Time TBD
- Brix Cider Mt. Horeb, 119 S. 2nd St., Mt. Horeb.
- Thur. 4:00pm - 8:00pm (stay for open mike night!).
- Sunn Cafe Mt. Horeb, 201 E. Main St, Mt. Horeb.
- Mon. 10am- 3:00pm or Tue. 7:00am - noon
- Hill & Hollow Farm, 3887 Garfoot Rd. Mt. Horeb.
- Mon. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM or Tue. 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM. ***We have 2 large but friendly dogs that will want to greet you when you arrive.
- Burn Boot Camp Verona, 411 Prairie Heights Dr., Verona, WI.